Edward Olara-Obanga na gin aloi pe

Edward Olara-Obanga na gin aloi pe mp3
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ka atamo dit obanga am ocweyo polo ilobo..!
(if I think about the greatness of God that created the heavens and the earth)

ngec me Dano pe Kato tere te tieko atwali
(human wisdom can not penetrate to it's depth and finish it)

ka oneno ticere me kwogo oromo wi podo lung ya,
(if I look at his Wonderful work covering the entire world..)

lobo weng dong ka I wur pi dit obanga wa...
(the entire world remains in amazement about the greatness of God
Ngo ce ame loyo obanga wa iyili-yili woki?
(what is there really that can defeat our God who is so great?)

Obanga na gin aloi pe ya....!
(my God, nothing can defeat you)
obanga na gin aloi pe....

rwota we gin aloi pe
(my Lord, nothing can defeat you)
obanga na gin aloi pe....

akwe cwinya gin aloi pe ba.....!
(the one who calms my heart, nothing can defeat you)
obanga na gin aloi pe....

rwota gin aloi pe ya....!
obanga na gin aloi pe....

oooh, gin aloi pe ma,
(ooh, there is nothing that can defeat you really)
gin aloi pe, obanga na gin aloi pe...

eeeeh, gin aloi pe ya,
(eeeh, nothing can defeat you for sure
gin aloi pe, obanga na gin aloi pe...

oooh gin aloi pe rwot,
(oooh, there is nothing that can defeat you Lord)
gin aloi pe, obanga na gin aloi pe**2
(nothing can defeat you, my God, nothing can defeat you)

otio ka I kopere te cweyo polo, i lobo kede Jami iyi gi...
(he only used his word to create the heaven, earth and all things in it)

obaro nam arema kede abira a musa, Jo isarael te Kato...
(he divided the red sea with Moses's rod, and the israelites passed through)

oto Wang oneno, ongwalo dang owoto pi teko obanga wa...
(blind people were able to see and the lame walked because of the greatness of our God)

yin Kono? Akwar iburahim we gam cango ni....
(what about you decendant of Abraham? Get your healing)

obanga acelono bino lari, bed ka iye
(that same God will deliver you, just have faith)

obanga na gin aloi pe..
(my God, nothing can defeat you)

obanga na gin aloi pe....!
obanga na gin aloi pe....
acwe polo ilobo, gin aloi pe ya...
(creater of heaven and earth, nothing can defeat you)
obanga na gin aloi pe....

obanga wa gin aloi pe ya...
obanga na gin aloi pe
I rwota gin aloi pe ya,,
(you my God, nothing can defeat you for sure)
obanga na gin aloi pe

oooh, gin aloi pe ma,
gin aloi pe obanga na gin aloi pe...
atwali gin aloi pe ya 
(forever, nothing can defeat you)
gin aloi pe, obanga na gin aloi pe...

two lung cang ka inyingi ya...
(all sicknesses heals at your name)
gin aloi pe, obanga na gin aloi pe
cene lung wok ka inyingi rwot
(all evil spirits move at your name)
gin aloi pe, obanga na gin aloi pe

ka yin iye, ibino neno kwogo arwot obanga,
(if you believe, you will see the glory of the Lord God)

tinini, rwot bino tiyo me awura ikwo ni..
(today, The Lord will do wonder in your life)

ya Malo wek igam cango arwot obanga mi ma..
(get up to receive the healing God has given you)
can ineno dong oromo oko yin omina
(the problems you have faced is enough my brother)

pig wangi rwot bino jwiko ya Amina we...
(your tears, God will stop it my sister)
pien obanga no gin alo pe ba....
(because this God, nothing can defeat)

obanga na gin aloi pe....
(my God, nothing can defeat you)
obanga na gin aloi pe....
obanga na gin aloi pe

rwota we gin aloi pe ya....
obanga na gin aloi pe

obanga na gin aloi pe ma,
obanga gin aloi pe obanga.

akwe cwinya gin aloi pe ya,
obanga na gin aloi pe...

oooh, gin aloi pe ma,
gin aloi pe, obanga na gin aloi pe...

Mp3 file size: 1.6Mbs

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  1. Amaro wer eni tutual, lubanga myero medi gum.

  2. This is one of my best songs, it really calm my spirit, May God bless so much

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